Thursday, October 23, 2014

Puppy talk

Hi Bloggers and Followers,

Making this quick post to let you know what my little pup of joy has been into today.  If you are familiar with the cheese called "Babybel Light" Individually wrapped cheese (delicious), well, Moki found the red shell that this cheese it wrapped into.  This red shell is sticky wax.  I turned my head away from my little one today, and when I looked again he was chewing this wax very happily as well.  The result was, he had chewed it so well that the sides of his mouth were covered with it.  Deeply incrusted into his hair.

I have yet tried 3 times to remove it with soapy facecloth.  I could see he wanted me to succeed but it is way too much into his hair I may have to trim that.  Will wait for hubby to get home and try to remove the very sticky wax off of him.  Poor thing I can see him, trying to remove it with his paws.  It has to be so annoying, I know.

Here is what he looks like after removing some of it
I just had to take a few photos for his album.  I am sure he will be looking for mayhem as time goes by.  Now that he mastered the stairs up and down, I am bracing for surprises.  Hoping there won't be many.

EEK!  How is she going to remove this from me?

A day in a puppy's life lol
Have a great day, mine was very busy with this little one being so creative with his finding ways to get in trouble lol


  1. That's what puppy's do! Get into mischief! Enjoy as it will get worse before it gets better

  2. LOL ! Awwww he's really cute .... "stolen" food always tastes better doesn't it ? LOL !

  3. Oh Nikky......he looks so cute and full of mischief......xxxx

  4. OMG....your post made me laugh and laugh...they are little monkeys and get into everything they shouldn't! I remember our "puppy" days very well. You have to watch them like little babies. Moki is adorable, even with a red moustache! Hugs, Geri

  5. Maybe a little baby oil will help remove the wax? Just a thought. Geri

  6. That is so funny and cute Nicole, These will be the memories you cherish later on! Maybe you could try eucalyptus oil but would have to be careful to not get it in his mouth or eyes. All the best Bron from oz
